A Morning Of Faith And Remembrance

This morning at FBC, we came together to begin our service by offering our worship and praise as a congregation.  Then, the choir, orchestra and various other talented accompanists presented a heart-felt rendition of "Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb" with Larry and Tammy singing the solo and duet parts.  We finished the praise and worship portion of our service with more congregational singing.  After that, Pastor Wes took us to James 2:14-26, an often misunderstood and misused passage regarding faith and works to show us that we are,indeed, saved by believing that Jesus is who He said He was, did what He said He would do, lived the perfect life we could never live so that He could go to the cross to pay the terrible price for our sin that we could never pay so that we could spend eternity in heaven with Him.  But our faith should produce more than just talk.  It should be lived out in doing what God tells us to do to minister to those around us.  Pastor Wes does an excellent job of illustrating the relationship of faith and works using Abraham and Rahab as examples and it would be well worth your time to watch the Livestream.  At the end of the service, we observed the Lord's Supper (Communion) to honor the memory of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.....It was a thought-provoking service.....Almost forgot to mention OCC.  If you want to know what Pastor Wes had to say about it, check the Livestream.....And I forgot to mention Pinktober. but you know what to do.  Please click on this link https://thebreastcancersite.greatergood.com/clicktogive/bcs/home

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