Imagine the view....

By btc


...a bit different from a London A-z I think that we can all agree. Another silly o'clock start to get an early sunrise and its a good idea that I did because once I had taken all the photos I wanted the rain and fog dropped in hard on the way back to the hotel.

It is however a bit of a mircale that I made it here in the first place because driving to Ullswater over the Kirkstone Pass, which 1,489 ft above see level and the Lake Districts highest pass which is open road traffic (1:4 gradient in parts), thick fog fell in over the country road and it is no word of a lie to say that visability was 6 ins off the end of the car, its miracle I didn't end up in the side of a stone wall.

In the end though it looks like my efforts may have been well worth it, it has always been a wish of mine to get an Ullswater photo from a jetty with the jetty in it (common I know but still), well I achieved that today. You can also see a quick glimpse of a photo I took at Windermere yesterday. I'll do some proper linking when I am in a place with better wifi reception.

Hope you have had a nice weekend. Last note a happy birthday message to KJL x

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