The Path Less Traveled...

...ended here!

Today was Ontario Municipal Elections Day which meant getting out of the house. And it happened that the poll station I chose is en route to the lake...hence a walk. I have been neglecting my walks lately and today was an amazingly beautiful warm sunny autumn day, so walking on a beach seemed like a good idea. 

I chose the least populated beach within reach and then along my route back to my car (via the the manicured grounds and paved paths of a local medical complex) I noted something I had not noted before.. an opening among the trees that just might lead down to the shoreline...and it did! 

Aha, a new path to follow and one with no-one on it! ( extra). It did come to a dead end (at least for those not ready to climb down and walk on stones), but turning around was not an issue; there are always different photo-ops on a return route, n'est-ce pas? 

PS: the less than desirable photo of that path in the extra gave me much entertainment and many learning opportunities trying out some different filters on was the kind of day that required distractions and that provided some! 

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