Bank Holiday Fun

So many pictures to choose from today and Mr K isn't here to help me!
I've got the Little Misses painting, digging, watering, swinging, cement mixing(!), mosaic laying and picnicking!
We've had such a fab day. A lazy morning at home - which unfortunately began at 5.30am when Miss L came into bed with me. It's the bloody dawn chorus, it's so loud!!!
And the sunshine doesn't help!
Hee hee!
Anyway, we'd painted pictures (by 7.30am!!) and then watered the garden. Pretty much every single living thing in the garden..... The idea of a water meter is lost on the Little Misses!
Then we planted beans and more sunflowers before heading over to Nana and Papa's for more watering and a very exciting cement mixing session!
Miss E went with Papa to his favourite shop - Wickes - to buy cement and then she and Miss L did a brillant job of mixing it.
My dad laid the cement in a gap at the edge of the flagstones and the Little Misses created a wonderful mosaic of shells, buttons, beads, glass beads, pebbles and coins. It looked amazing!
And as an added bonus we've got their hand prints in a couple of trays. Honestly, what you can't do with a bit of cement!!!
And the lovely day was topped off with a tea in the garden of baguettes, salami, pate, strawberries, crisps, gherkins, chocolate fingers, scones, clotted cream and jam.
Now I'm tired and full, the kids are asleep, the kettle is on and I will soon be away to my bed.
For some uninterrupted Made in Chelsea. No sniffy comments and eye rolling from Mr K.

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