Lit from Within

Took another walk in Big Rock Park today to check on the Pileated Woodpeckers. The mother made a very brief appearance in the hole so I know they are still there. While I was in the park I saw a Downy Woodpecker and was able to take some photos of it. There were "record shots" but I was pleased to have seen him.

I decided to walk up into Big Rock Garden while I was out. The city is getting it ready for the Mother's Day celebration this coming Sunday. Their tractor was off the path and well stuck. I took a photo but decided to post these rhododendrons instead. That park is known for its rhodies and Japanese maples along with its garden sculptures. If you live in or near Bellingham, Come on by during the day Sunday to watch some of us paint and enjoy the music. Click L for a larger view of the rhodies.

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