
By Flossmo


These clematis flowers caught my eye as I was setting out on my walk yesterday morning. A few weeks ago my clematis was a sorry mess of dead leaves. It would have been easy to lift the lot and put it in the green bin. But I know better from previous experience. I left it alone and now it is a mass of beautiful tumbling flowers.

Talking of tumbling, after taking the blip I set off to meet my friend J for our weekly walk. I was looking forward to a mega-catch up after being away for a week. But just a few minutes into our walk I caught my foot on the kerb and went down with a sickening splat. For a couple of minutes I just sat there groaning, completely winded. Eventually I got up and actually walked a couple of circuits around the block before limping home. Since then my right leg has got worse. It is quite difficult to bend it and quite painful to walk. I also have a prize bruise from my left wrist up into the palm of my hand. Fortunately that isn't painful.

I had a busy afternoon scheduled and kept going with some domestic chores, an hour of digital buddying in the library and a trip to the supermarket before making dinner for a couple of friends. I say 'making dinner' but actually it was a case of putting some stuff from Cook in the oven, very fortunately. By the time they had left I was grateful to drop into bed hence I am blipping the morning after.

I'm off for my covid vaccination this morning. I hope it doesn't add to my physical woes.       

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