
By MovableParts

Moonlight Sonata

Though it's not Beethoven. the musician's playing is lovely, and by moonlight, need I point out?  On the cusp of Black Volcano...

A little aside: I was 28 years old ( a late bloomer) earning an undergraduate degree in Creative Arts: Dance Major.  Among the requirements for my major: two courses 1) Music Appreciation; 2) Instrument Competence.  I had never played the piano, but I had always wanted to, so I took Piano Playing 101.  By the end of the semester we were required to learn and be tested on Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (1st Movement).  I passed, I don't know how (maybe those 30+ hours of practice), but I felt like a dream had come true. I had somehow memorized the fingering for a beloved Beethoven. 
Practice and ye shall receive....just believe xx

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