
By ladyleah6

Rainy Day

You know when you've been roasting a big hunk of beef for an hour and then you decide to take it out of the oven, chuck in some garlic and onion, maybe apply a little foil and give it a little more time, so you go to pull it out of the oven and think, "hmm, it's not particularly warm in here" and then you realise your oven's set to 40 degrees rather than 180?

I also decided to shoot a panorama of the shore today... I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have worked out on a still day let alone the blustery, rainy day we're having today. Anyway, this is a non-panorama shot of the clock tower at 'Scabbers' as the locals affectionately call it. I guess Scarborough sounds a little too posh for the average Aussie.

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