Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Fur, not Flowers

One one of my walks in the neighbourhood this afternoon, I met this cat sitting on a wall. He's often there and I'm not sure he has a home - as on several occasions, I've seen people giving him food. He looked hopeful when I stopped to stroke him - but sadly I had nothing to offer. His long fur looked a little matted as if he needed a good brush. I'm definitely buying a packet of cat biscuits to take with me next time.

Although I saw some roses still blooming, the wind made all my shots of them blurred.

I've just been to buy some cat food and biscuits from the nearest shop at the end of my street! Then I dashed home for my umbrella because it was raining, and walked to where I had encountered my furry friend. I called to him saying: 'minou' in French (the equivalent of 'puss puss'!!) He came out of the bushes and I opened the little container of cat food for him and he simply adored it! I kept the cat biscuits for another day! I hope that he will sleep warm somewhere tonight. At least he will have a full tummy!

Extra: the same friendly cat showing his pretty face and beautiful eyes.

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