
Busy packing up again this morning then over to A’s. Caught up with how her week’s gone and how she’s getting used to the commute (ok). Chatted about their decisions still to be made on stuff like bar stools and doorbell and outside lights.
We decided to go down to Melrose to continue exploring the area and despite the mist and drizzle had a lovely wander around. Loved this sign outside the bakers.
We went to Provender for late lunch…A had vegetable curry and I had steak and chips. Delicious!
Picked up some compost on the way home (well, out of the way really….living in the country means shops are few and far between!) to do the window boxes in the morning then A got ready to go out to her friend’s wedding party and ceilidh. I had a quiet evening in with Paisley and Strictly.

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