Hen Cloud above the Mist

As I'd not really been out for a good walk for a while we set out for The Roaches this morning. We drove through Leek in pea soup fog which dampened our spirits a little. But as we drove out of the town the fog disappeared to glorious sunshine.

When we reached The Roaches we were lucky to see even more spectacular conditions. The fog/mist was racing through the valley below completely covering Tittesworth reservoir and Leek. It was amazing.

We managed to climb up to the top of the ridge to see the mist where I took some beautiful photos. We walked along towards Roach End. We just about reached the trig point halfway along before we were shrouded in the fog. It did make the rock features look quite eerie. We returned via the road as we thought it wasn't worth continuing.

We then had a late breakfast at the cafe at Tittesworth Reservoir. Not a bad morning's outing. And to think we almost turned back home when we arrived in Leek!

Here are a few more on Flickr if anyone wishes to take a look.....

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