Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Fishing Peg

We had a notification that the delivery of our new dishwasher would be between 7:10 and 11:10 in the morning, but I still thought that it would be unlikely to arrive at the beginning of that window so popped down to our local pool to capture this colourful sunrise.

I was correct and the machine arrived just after 10:00 am.  I then took just over three hours to install it.  I will admit to some apprehension, but a combination of manufacturer's instructions and You Tube tutorials helped me complete the work.  Whatever we used to do in those pre-internet days!  I often ask myself why people video themselves carrying out mundane repairs or work on a myriad of different things.  I'm glad they do, but it rarely even begins to cross my mind to do something like that. Very altruistic.

Unfortunately, by the time I'd finished the rain was hammering down so there was no walk in what had been beautiful sunshine during the morning.  We decided to eat out for dinner, a most uncommon treat of going out in the evening to a local pub for a meal.  We even got to sit in comfortable wing chairs in front of an open fire to enjoy coffee afterwards.

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