Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Common Grey

Those who saw last Wednesdays post from Beauly will remember I was on the search for the elusive red squirrel. (
This week I'm back in Edinburgh and the only variety around is the grey. This though is the less common blue capped version! It's clearly squirrel season all over the country though!
Today I was in town for a facial at John Lewis, they do make me feel good with their compliments about my skin. There's lots more of it than there used to be with its concertina folds I reckon. Still at least it's lovely and soft! I must be doing something right as the assistant gave me a bag of free goodies.

I paid a visit to the Hotel Chocolat shop , having been sent a discount offer, it would have been rude not to I feel.
I also visited Boots, thanks for yesterday's concern, it's still not confirmed but it looks like Josie may be coming down with chicken pox. I picked up the latest anti itch cooling gel for her, just in case. I'm due to be with her tomorrow if she's still off nursery so I hope she's not too uncomfortable.

We were at our bridge club this evening and came first again which was pleasing

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