Gormod o wynt a glaw

Gormod o wynt a glaw ~ Too much wind and rain

“In art, the basic sense of delight and spontaneity in a person who has opened fully and thoroughly to themselves and to life can provide wonderful rainbows and thundershowers and gusts of wind. [...] The basic idea of dharma art is the sense of peace and the refreshing coolness of the absence of neurosis.”
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

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Daeth y gweithwyr ar naw o'r gloch yn y bore i weld y gwaith yr oedd angen ei wneud.  Yn anfoddus roedd gormod o wynt a glaw iddyn nhw ddechrau, ond roedd eu hymweliad yn ddefnyddiol oherwydd roedden nhw'n gallu gwneud cynlluniau ar gyfer yfory.

Treuliais i rai o amser yn ceisio i glymu'r babell i lawr - a chael socian tra gwnes i.  Yn hwyrach gwnes i dorth o fara. Rydw i'n dod yn well gyda gwneud bara - fel popeth os rydych chi'n gwneid unrhywbeth yn ddigon aml byddech chi'n naturiol yn gwella.

Mae'r rhagolwg am yfory yn edrych yn well. Felly rydyn ni'n gobeithio gweld y gweithwyr yn ddechrau ar y tŷ.

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The workers came at nine o'clock in the morning to see the work that needed to be done. Unfortunately there was too much wind and rain for them to start, but their visit was useful because they were able to make plans for tomorrow.

I spent some time trying to tie the tent down - and got soaked while I did it. Later I made a loaf of bread. I'm getting better at making bread - like everything if you do anything often enough you'll naturally get better.

The forecast for tomorrow looks better. So we hope to see the workers start on the house.

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