Ponsontuel Creek

We've never been here before ............................ and we won't be going again. Horrid, horrid, horrid creek!!!

The tide was out so we thought we'd have an enjoyable walk up to the top of the creek. However, the creek was full of mud so after 2 mins Ann said, 'Molly I'm fed up with this walk. Let's go back to the car'.

Well, no way was I only going to have a 2 min walk so I decided to disobey Ann. I set off full pelt through the mud in the direction of the tiny stream of water because I wanted to have a wallow. I could hear Ann shouting at me to come back but I just ignored her.

But then, do you know what happened? I got stuck in the mud. The nearer I got to the water, the deeper the mud became and the harder it got for me to walk........... Until the mud was almost up to my tummy.

Then I stopped thinking it was fun to disobey Ann!

I gave her my 'pathetic look' thinking she might come and rescue me. But do you know what? She said, 'Molly, I can't come over there. I'm heavier than you so I'll sink even further into the mud. Please, please, come back to me. You can do it'.

I could tell she was worried, so I forgot all about wanting to wallow in the water and I bounded straight back to her. She didn't cuddle me because I was covered in the most horrendous sticky, gungey mud, but she patted my head and said, 'Very, very, very good girl. If you'd gone any further you might have sunk completely and we haven't finished blipping 100 places in Cornwall that start with a 'P' yet'.

So after that traumatic episode this is the only blip of Ponsontuel Creek we've got.

After that we had a lovely walk through the bluebells in the Penrose Estate where the paths were dry and the river was clean.

To see Pont Pill - Cornish P57 - Look here.

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