The Morning After....

It must be SO exhausting working the nightshift......

In some ways, I can relate. By the time my "dayshift" is over and evening comes around, I often feel deflated too.. I am ready to do nothing, to put my feet up and watch some TV, to produce nothing and to tackle nothing that requires an alert brain. 

Methinks the culprit may be the shortened days of November..which have now morphed into the even shorter days of December?..All that darkness.....does my body think it should be hibernating? I have noted that Maggie takes more naps these days too, lounges in front of the fire more often, and is ravenous as if storing up fat for the winter? Hmmm

For whatever reason, I tend to run out of energy as the sun goes down and as a result, here I am again, back-blipping..I seem to be in a rut of posting the day after, or in this case, two days after! But, as I regularly reassure myself, late is better than not at all, and as my brain seems to work better in the morning, why not go with that? 

Here's to longer days and sunshine....the sooner the better...

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