Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

A splash of colour

Back home after an excellent weekend.  The pantomime last night was great and extremely funny.  I would never claim to be Matt Baker's biggest fan but I have to say he was excellent in this, as were all the cast.  It's funny how the classic British reserve falls by the wayside at a Panto too; right from the start we were all booing the wicked witch and cheering 'Joey' (Matt Baker), and shouting 'Oh, no you won't' and 'It's behind you' at the tops of our voices.  A really fun night. 

While we were having breakfast this morning a small troupe of Parakeets descended on the bird feeders so I got a few shots of them.  They were through glass, on my phone and with maximum magnification, so not as clear as I would have liked, but don't look too bad reduced in a collage.  After a walk up to our friends' allotment to collect some fresh chillies she had grown we headed home.

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