Coconut Palm

We went to Stratford this morning to see Tom.  We met up at York's Cafe and spent a good hour or so chatting and drinking coffee. On parting we popped into Morrisons for a couple of things.  Instead of heading for the bread Ann made a beeline for the plants and next thing I knew there was a coconut palm in the trolley.

After picking the couple of necessary supplies we decided not to attempt the self-service and took them through the 'manned' tills (although manned by a woman, "personed till"? ).

We haven't decided yet where to place this newcomer to our collection of tropical greenery, we're going for the 'botanic' look, but whilst it wasn't moving I took a photo (as I had not blipped anything else).

On return to Worcester we stopped off at Emma's to say hello and see our lovely grandson.

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