Danksound's Musing

By Danksound

St Dunstan in the East

After swimming this morning I went to meet my daughter for lunch and after lunch she took me to this little church not far from her work place. We both took pictures in a mixture of sunshine and cloud.

'A church was first built on the site of this garden in Saxon times. It was restored by St Dunstan in 950 AD and the rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire in 1697. Only the Tower of the Wren church survives. The garden was laid out following severe damage to the church in the blitz, and opened as a public space in 1967.' (On the notice board).

It was quite chilly today although there were a few bursts of sunshine. I hope the weekend weather is better. Happy Weekend everyone!!! Thank you for all your lovely comments on my picture yesterday.

This is my daughter's picture Here

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