Pass me the moon

"Pass me the moon," said Small Tree.
"No, it's my turn to hold it," said Big.
"But I feel its light on my branches," said Small,
"enhancing every twig."

"Let's both hold the moon," said Big Tree,
"There's plenty of beams to share."
So they held up the moon together
till their branches felt less bare.

© Celia Warren 2022

There was a heavy frost this morning. After years living in Devon, we had forgotten what it was like having to scrape ice off a windscreen before you can set off anywhere. And tonight again the car is already looking like an igloo. Brrr! Keep warm, blipmates! (Another moon shot in Extras.)

Also today:
I had my first Lincolnshire hair-cut-and-blow.
Mr & Mrs B registered the Young Master's birth and name, so he's now official!

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