Striding Out

Millie is striding out in a 5km race this afternoon down in Waimate. This is the Former South Canterbury Road Championships, because of costs incured by clubs they are not paying their contrabution to Athletics Canterbury so therefore are not allowed to hold races,to get around this they are now calling them Fun Runs. This is a 4 lap course where the seniors run 10km. Millies Mum was saying Millie was concerned she was losing her fitness and speed ( Millie is a little impatient since she has had a taste of success a Bronze Medal in the National 3000m champs).I have had her on a buildup and recovery training programme that incorperated long runs Big Hills and stideouts and sprints. Millie "I think I am losing my speed and fitness" Mario "I want you to go out and run it as a fast race sit on one of the seniors to pull you through" 17 minutes and 30 seconds later Millie won her 5km race. Millie was thrilled by her time and win and put it down to her new Racing Flats

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