-2 C/ 28 F

Clearing, so they say,
but so slowly, it's like an
awning is rolled back


The wind whistled around the house late last night and the temperature dropped to -5 C overnight. This morning started as a grey day with icy patches everywhere. I dawdled after coffee waiting for the clearing that was promised. At 11, I could wait no longer. I headed off to McArthur Island.  

I drove in at the north entrance where construction has been underway for months. The road was in terrible shape with large potholes and no pavement yet. I parked by the foot bridge and found Canada geese on the ball fields. They seemed to alternate between the fields and the river. They were in little flocks grazing in the grass, then some would rise up with a loud array of honking to fly off to the river. 

The frozen slough offered no comfortable place for the ducks. A small flock of them landed in the parking lot near the slough. They walked along the grass towards me as if hoping for some handouts. 

I walked across the bridge to get a shot of the blue sky in the west. The clouds were very slowly peeling back. I got a shot of my mountains to the east. 

I drove around the loop road to the southwest corner of the park. In the distance I could see deer grazing under the willow trees.  I parked to walk into the disc golf course to get a better view of the deer. I found myself on the fringe of a disc golf game so I carefully removed myself after some quick shots of the deer with my telephoto lens. 

I am home with some jobs to do. I am hoping we get the sunshine we were promised. 

The forecast was for a mainly sunny day with a high of -3 C. That seems wrong on both scores. 

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