
My blood glucose monitor won't work, keeps saying error. It does have a new battery in it, but still says error.

I think that has succumbed to the cold, like my newest tablet, my Apple iPad mini which will not charge up in these cold temperatures. Yes, I have these devices in my bedroom. Yet no problems with my Android devices which I am relying a lot on now. If I put the iPad mini on an electric blanket, it hugs it and then starts charging. The same effect when that large living black furry blanket sits over it, or I use him to lean the iPad mini against, and it sucks warmth , like a vampire, from that cat. Then it will start recharging.

I lost my woolly hat, it fell off somewhere in the I am now wearing my furry Russian hat with ear flaps...

As well as an electric blanket on my bed, and me wrapped up like a pregnant yeti, I have the large oil 13 fin radiator on, and the ceramic heater going. And then I look at my smart meter, only to see some words scrolling across it. I look in shock. I am stunned. No, not the electricity I have used, I cannot even see that because of the words scrolling across it. "You have exceeded your weekly allowance..." over and over again. I am rooted to the spot, and my brain is playing a new blockbuster film, called "You have exceeded..." have exceeded your weekly water have exceeded your weekly allowance of 1.2 have exceeded your weekly fuel for your have exceeded your online data...with dire penalties for doing so...slowly you are being squeezed out of existence.

That b***** smart meter display now has a cloth over it so I cannot see it. That message "you have exceeded..." is giving me nightmares for the future, and I couldn't stop the message continuously scrolling covering the entire screen...

I presume this is just because I have used more electricity in this cold snap like we all are, but who the heck decided I have a weekly budget? Based on what? My direct debit?

I don't use much electricity. I have always been economical, and I prefer cold air (not quite this cold though). The smart meter was telling me off for using £7:23p worth of electricity this week!!!!!!!!!

YouTube video on my nighttime TrailCam...

This is cat Jade and she appears to be actively stalking the fox I call Foxy Loxy...the eyes in the dark are Jade's...

Creative is a painting of autumn...

Version 3....

My paintings are a bit darker at the mo, because of some other stuff going on, and incorrect medical records, which make no sense, and I went to the surgery Monday. I had made that appointment last Friday. It was very cold, car was frozen, didn't recognise my car key, took ages to sort, then when I finally get to the car park, it is full of residents cars who have obviously parked all night so no space. I had to park a distance away. No chance of me walking, so got the mobility scooter out of the car...

In the surgery, the receptionist says (her eyes say silly batty old lady), your appointment is tomorrow, you'll have to come back then.

Like bloody hell I will. I get my appointment card out which says "Monday". She stops in her tracks, calls practice manager, He arranges an immediate appointment for me. It would take too long to explain, but these incorrect medical records impact on my important eye hospital appointment in LIverpool next week. So, I collared him. He was smooth talking (he didn't care one jot), oh it'll be fine he said etc etc etc. He's getting a letter off me outlining all my concerns.

I managed to get my appointment with the eye hospital confirmed yesterday, because that could have been cancelled with what this stupid doctor's surgery in Wales, sent the eye hospital in England.

So, a convoluted mess caused by my incompetent GP surgery. And then when I got back to the car, It had frozen up again. The temperature had dropped suddenly to minus 8. Someone stronger than me got the doors open...

I need to do some stuff with the car...

A strong cuppa needed...

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