The Sun Rises

We have had days of greyness. Occasionally the sky lightened and the sun even broke through a few times, but only for a minute or two.
So it felt really good when at 09:24 the kitchen filled with sun as it came creeping out of the forested horizon. We enjoyed the light (and even some slight warmth) for around 90 minutes before the clouds once more hid the sun.
Today it is almost like the winters of our first years in Sweden, when winters really were winters and only scientists had heard of climate change. It got to minus 22 this evening and hovered just above -20°  for most of the day. When the sun was shining it rose to -14°C, and I almost took my jumper off! I guess the same weather system chilling the UK is bringing the cold to us, but it is now due to warm up steadily over the next few days and may even creep up above freezing.
My cold still coughs back now and again but I've not used any medicine for 24 hours now and am definitely improving, which is good because our trip to the UK draws closer.
With the sun came shadows, shining on the fridge and cupboard, and also joyful to see, and photo.
Yesterday's pizza picture comments showed we aren't alone using scissors to cut up our pizza, but also surprised others. It's the only way to do it efficiently and definitely beats those weird rolling blade thingies!

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