Millie cat

This is Millie, our real cat.
I was stuck for a blip and then went to go up the stairs and she miaowed loudly at me. Blip sorted. She is a tiny cat, and she's not starved, she just has lots of health issues.
Today has been good. I spent the afternoon shop sitting and my friend Gwen stopped in for a while, so we had a good catch up. Another friend, jane, also stopped by for a bit on her way to work.
My resistance to buy yarn was put to the test as there were two skeins in a one-off colour that I loved, but they didn't come home, this time.
I managed to make a dairy and gluten free trifle thing for pudding. More of a sludges mess really but very tasty.
Having to watch dr who tomorrow as fa cup final been on. Good result and not a bad game.
Just waiting now for the fizzy wine to arrive.

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