
Woke early so did a bit of, a splurge of Italian classes then up and started working through my list of stuff to get organised on. How can I be so much more behind than I’ve been in the past when I’ve had work to manage as well?!
Made some progress and ended up writing a few cards too…no doubt they won’t arrive in time but it’s the thought that counts!
Met up with Arclight for a fish and chip lunch (very tasty it was too!) and it was good to have the time for a proper catch up after what feels like too long.
Went from there to the Fort for some shopping…trying to get inspiration and managed a few things but dithering and then falling back on some very predictable things…grr!
Back through a lot of traffic just in time for my catch up with VickyG getting governance stuff sorted and planning the early part of next year.
Decorated the Christmas cake and divided it up to give some as presents, then packed up some biscuits from last night for V.
Supper was a few leftovers from last night and then I colour coded the knitting pattern and settled down to get some more rows done

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