-3 C/ 27 F

I waited for the 
sunshine so I could take my
camera walking


I had to dawdle until 11 AM this morning. I made rice pudding...I wrote the last of my Christmas cards....the sun finally came out in all its glory and I was out the door! 

I made Vantage Point my stop. I parked in front of the pergola along the Rivers Trail and immediately spotted an eagle in a tree top as before. I walked along the trail to get a little closer and managed at least one decent shot. There were no other eagles to be seen today. The river looks more like a lake with such  small areas of open water. The river was still and calm. I looked east to my mountains and the float plane dock. The view across the river was sparkling with sunlight. I had some chats with others on the trail. We all agreed it felt 'warm' today. 

I came home with some groceries and I'm in for the day enjoying all that light coming into the house. 

The weatherman completely missed the mark. A cloudy day with a high of -5 C was forecast. We've exceeded those expectations on all scores. 

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