Izzy was Terrified

My sister came by to see the new house and brought a delicious brunch. It was great to see her. While she was here, we happened to be looking out the window where Izzy (the infamous cat) was sitting on her perch. As we watched, this pair of coyotes spotted Izzy and made a beeline for the window. Of course it was closed and she was safe, but she was so terrified. It made me wonder if she'd had an encounter with them before...she was a stray, we think, for at least some of the first 9 months of her life. 

I knocked on the window as they ran around to the golf course in back of the house where I continued to knock on the windows as they went. They seemed scared and eventually ran out of sight. Poor Izzy clearly blamed my sister for bringing the coyotes with her - she wouldn't have anything to do with her and hid much of the rest of the afternoon. You can be sure that Izzy will be an indoor cat in this house. Eek. 

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