Living my dream

By Mima

Quite a lot to come

The raspberry crop is gradually ramping up. I picked 250g today (and have just eaten the lot). It would have cost me more than $10 had I bought them in the shops…and they would have tasted inferior I’m sure.

Smug? Me?


I’ve been battling the creation of a couple of Camembert cheeses this afternoon. It’s my first attempt and I’m hoping future efforts will feel simpler and more straightforward.

I’m really glad I didn’t try this cheese at the beginning of my experimentation: I might have given it all up. There’s a lot of messing about with filling hoops, letting them drain and then flipping them the other way up…. hopefully without throwing half-drained cheese all over the kitchen.

Bean has been very attentive - at a distance. Presumably she’s recognised the high chance of a surprise clump of curdy cheese landing on the floor.

The Camembert had better taste outstanding after all the faffing. I’ll go back to hard cheese next week with a sigh of relief.

It’s bloody raining again.

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