Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Can you believe this is December?

The forecast was for rain all of this week so I was very surprised that today was sunny and bright and so mild, with a temperature of 13C which is about 15C warmer than a week ago.

I woke up feeling so much better. For the first time I slept properly and did not struggle trying to swallow because of my sore throat. 

We walked Xena this morning - Gavin came with me between his video meetings - and then as it was such a lovely day I convinced him to come with me to the driving range, where we spent an hour practicing. There was a young boy in the bay next to me and his father insisted he play with a driver, the poor lad could not hit the ball and at least three shots somehow came sideways into my bay, so I had to concentrate on my ball and also on not getting hit by his ball!

After lunch we took Xena to the doggie parlour in the village to get her nails cut - Gavin usually does it but he has lost his nerve doing it and her nails get really long so they needed cutting. Its a great service, walk in without booking and it is done in 5 minutes. On the way there we drove past this scene, I have photographed it often before but today in the bright sunshine it looked so lovely - also the clouds were interesting and the trees looked very autumnal. This was in the afternoon, and although it is one day away from being the shortest day of the year, this looks like it could be in the autumn.

I finished Tokyo Vice last night, it was an excellent series although it does not come to a proper conclusion as there will be a series 2. I am also loving my book The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley by Sean Lusk. This is my 66th book I have read (and listened to) this year - I probably will read another one before the end of the year. By reading and listening to the books I get through so many more books.

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