Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


A day of parts today and very busy. In the morning I did a little clearing at home and on my way back from the bins spotted this unlikely winter insect. I don't know when I last saw a wasp in December. I'm not sure what variety it is but maybe somebody else does.
At noon I went to the girls school for their end of term Carol event. The children were on the ground floor(P1&2 and musicians) and on the two upper galleries. It's a large school with 2-3 classes at each stage. The patterns were mainly downstairs, I was lucky and was at the front of a very long queue when the doors opened. I was quickly spotted by my two who fortunately were both at the same end of the hall although in d different floors. The event started with young musicians from the music school then carols from school and audience. You can see my girl is in good form!
In the afternoon the girls came round with their dad and put up my nativity scene for me. They had such fun and did a beautiful job. (Why did I ever think it would be a good idea to have 11 battery operated nightlights though each one needs to be switched on and off every day! Doh!). They still have no heat and hot water at home, that's since Friday although they were a radiator in the livening room down for two weeks before that. Hopefully all will be fixed this Friday but it seems to have taken a very long time to have no boiler when you have a maintenance contract. . Thank goodness the temperatures have risen a bit.
In the evening we headed off to the Botanics light evening. Beautiful as ever, my second collage is of this. Like Ridgeback13, who saw them in the daytime, I noted the ducks swimming amongst the floating lotus. I did feel rather guilty about disturbing their sleep. The lake and the pond by the house were both still quite heavily frozen in places, even although the day time temperatures have been up at 15° over the last couple of days.
I'm late posting this blip due to pressure of Christmas! I'll try to delay today's till tomorrow if that makes sense so there aren't 3 at once!
Thanks for dropping by.

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