
By lassoothemoon


Japan - Day One: Tokyo

I was targeted by a 'fake monk scam' near the hotel. This friendly-looking dude sporting a smile, short hair and brown robes scampered over to me, offering a small gold-coloured card. He then asked me to write my name in a small book, which others had signed before along with prayer request for peace. Alongside the lists of names were "donation" amounts. I thought "Mister. You are no more a Buddhist monk than I am the Pope", and beat a retreat!

This is blip-rich territory. Picking an image was tricky but I plumped for the Imperial Palace, largely because it didn't need much editing. Although visitors are not allowed in the palace itself, the extensive gardens are open to the public and are free. Just the trick after a longggg flight.

Sleep deprived and need some zzzzzzzz. Will play catch up tomorrow.

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