Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Messing About By The River

Ok technically a canal.

Walked the other direction today trying to find some landscape shots for my submission to the landscape module for the Practical Photography course they are running. Not really happy with any of my images but it was also about learning settings so will sit a review them properly and I still have time to get my shot - deadline is Wednesday and I have one maybe two that I could submit at a pinch.

While I was taking photos Ferd got bored and took himself off for a swim, he seemed happy enough and at least it rinsed off the horse poo he dive bombed.

The rest of the day how ever has been rubbish
The bunnies decided to have a massive fall out and have been fighting, my poor Jeeves as a torn ear and I have found some wounds that I want to be checked at the vets tomorrow and Wooster has a wound but I am not too concerned about so much as its more of a scratch.

I had to go to Pets at Home and get a play pen so we can keep them separate for a bit :( keeping fingers crossed that its just a spat and once Jeeves has the all clear they will be fine together otherwise we will have to buy another dog crate and fine somewhere to put it :(

They are a bonded pair of male house bunnies - they are litter mates and have never been apart and are both neutered - we always knew there was a risk but we thought that we had got past the danger stage.

But this means that our plans have changed we were heading to inlaws to drop Ferd off for the night so that we could head to Meadowhall tomorrow and go see the new Star Trek movie, but we cant risk leaving the bunnies alone. But Star Trek will wait the health and welfare of our 'children' is more important

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