Capital adventures

By marchmont

Professor Sim

A foray today with the girls to Sunway Pyramid, last visited in December 2019. A huge shopping mall, with an ice rink, built next door to a lagoon leisure park built on the site of a tin mine. 

We met up with #1, #2, #6 and #8 aunts. There was quite a lot of walking around, some shopping was done and much wonderful Chinese food was eaten at lunchtime. Amazing to see all these weel kent UK and international brands, even Costa Coffee. The Christmas decs were still up juxtaposed with those for Chinese New Year, year of the rabbit starts on 22 January.

We got back mid afternoon and Olivia's new glasses had arrived. 

I packed and then did some more accounts work. I only have the HMRC stuff to update now.

A quiet evening, still eating what's in the fridge. 

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