Time to Read...

The hurly burly is over and there is now more time to just sit around and read...which is exactly what I did after my usual Tuesday morning coffee with neighbours...

I finished The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka and then started reading The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson for our January book cub meeting.. 

I had recently read The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka and enjoyed it so much that I decide to read her two others..When the Emperor Was Divine, a story of a Japanese family living in an internment camp in the USA during WW11 andThe Buddha in the Attic, a heart-breaking portrait of Japanese mail order brides in the early 1900's.  

I am currently readingThe Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, a novel about one of the historical Pack Horse librarians in 1930's Kentucky who delivered books on horseback to people in remote locations. I had already read a novel on the same topic, but this one has an added theme of interest...the heroine is one of the unique and oppressed blue -skinned people of Kentucky.. of which I knew nothing...and which I found fascinating.. I am thoroughly enjoying the book, and think it will provide lots of material for discussion at our next meeting. As we are all fans of books and libraries...I am sure this book will have been a popular choice and that we will agree with T.S. Eliot who is quoted on the flyleaf....

"The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of man"  

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