*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty


December Reflections: Day 31
Today’s Prompt: My word/s for 2023

Realised at the last minute that I still had 6 extras to use this year so, waste not want not:
* The last book read in 2022, A Child's Christmas in Wales... and the first book I'll read in 2023, The Weirdstone of Brisingamen.
* The last paragraph of A Child's Christmas in Wales, which I love.
* A new Christmas trimming which Norm gave me. Anyone would think that I love Tunnock's Teacakes! It seems that Mr Robin has his eye on it too.
* A Christmas card from my nephew, which he drew and it finally arrived today. Can you spot all the TV/film Christmas references?
* The starry nightlight that my brother gave me for Christmas. When I hold it in my hand I feel like a wizard ;-)
* New slippers. I love Charlie Brown, perhaps because I can relate to him so much!

Hope everyone has a happy and peaceful NYE.
Much love xxx

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