horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Branching Out

It's not really a resolution, but the arbitrary-date-change-day does bring about a certain amount of introspection. And so on top of aiming to blip on the actual days, and get writing again in the entries*, this on top of just getting back to drawing more, writing more (starting with my little wildlife podcast), and various other things. Which will hopefully lead to less of one thing. Stress.

Let's see what the year has in store.

In the meantime, I love this copse of trees at the bottom of our field. Sadly not owned by us, though I've set up wildlife cams a couple of times, and it's here where there are Red Squirrels and Pine Martens. With the burn bubbling along (though a few days ago it was a torrent of a river!) it's just one of the most pleasant spots around the smallholding.

* genuinely not for the like and follows, but to get me thinking about photography properly again, and because what I like most about this place is going back through the years, or being able to search for something I know happened 'at some point' but not exactly when - and without the text it can be a bit difficult for me to work out just when I was doing stuff.

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