Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Klingon bling (or, Cold War era splints)

Actually, these are old-fashioned metal splints. I have damaged the nerves of the ring fingers of both my hands and have to wear splints for a while to immobilize them and let them heal. Ideally, I should have them on all the time but I keyboard all day and that's not practical so I wear them at times at work, most times elsewhere, and at bedtime.

They do get odd looks from people. I could have bought modern metal splints from the pharmacy but I recalled having something in our emergency kit at home. These are Cold War-era splints that come in a roll an you cut off a section and roll them yourself (rather like these only my box was really, really old). A half a wooden coffee stir stick inserted inside to keep my finger from flexing and, voila, a pair of splints. They work because my fingers are feeling better (that is, less numb) each day. Besides, this allows me to get them wet, take them off easily, etc. Modern splints have foam in them and you have to keep them dry. Too much hassle.

They do have a kind of nasty, Klingon look to them but I think it looks more like Spock ripped the antenna off his communicator to fashion it. If they were copper, they'd be in Steampunk fashion, which would be cool, too.

The shadows providing the Freddy Krueger effect are from my palm plant which, in several ways, is rather ironic.

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