
……………………..welly socks to go with the week old wellies!

An early phone call from MC resulted in an unexpected day with the wee one. He’s obviously well on the mend…he was full of attitude and kept me on my toes! 

It’s been a lovely sunny day but very chilly…we had a walk along the prom this afternoon, I’d hoped he’d nap in his buggy but that didn’t happen. A play in the park on the way home where I met a friend with her grandchildren for a brief catch-up. Home and tea then the little monkey flaked out on me for a good hour, goodness knows what time he’ll go to bed tonight!

Extra…waiting for high tide, the boat (MV Baltica Hav) arrived yesterday and won’t dock until high tide early Tuesday afternoon. 

Thanks to Skeena for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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