The Bonding Warehouse

Unlike the last time we stayed with TT’s mum, we all had a decent sleep last night.  The noisy seagulls have moved on.  Hurrah!!  However, my achy hip was giving me some gip during the night, so I didn’t lie in bed too late this morning.  It is much better when I am moving around.   It was rather grey and overcast, but TT and I both had a couple of things we wanted to do in town so we headed out, walking along the river path to town.  We did our shopping then wandered over to the Minster, where we spotted a new statue (extra) of the Queen (Elizabeth II).  It made me think of Queen Victoria.   We continued our wander, taking in the Museum Gardens before heading back home.
We quickly got ourselves organised and jumped in the car as we were off for lunch at a venue along the river, but just outside of York.  It was a lovely place, but on a grey and damp day in December we didn’t really appreciate the setting.  However it was cosy inside and the food was very nice.  Later in the afternoon, once we were back home, BB asked if we could go into town so he could spend some Christmas money.  I walked into town with him, but the shop he specifically wanted to go to had just shut, earlier than other shops.  Never mind, we just kept wandering and ended up near the Minster listening to the bell ringing.  It was lovely.  We wandered back down the Shambles, which was almost deserted and stopped off on our walk home to pick up a bottle of fizz.  We walked home back along the river path.  Although it wasn’t late I said to BB that I hoped it was safe to walk along it in the dark (it is lit), just as we walked past a gang of youths.  The next people we met were TT’s brother and partner, who were out dog walking.  They confirmed it was safe!!
We had a late tea of bits and pieces and cheese and biscuits and we watched The Full Monty.   Apart from BB, we had all seen it before  but not for a long time.  It’s such a good British film.  TT then moved on to Stan and Ollie which came on straight afterwards, but I was struggling to stay awake, so his mum and I said goodnight.  TT and BB stayed up to see the new year in.
The river was very high and very still with lovely reflections. 

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