First walk of 2023

A new year and the first walk with my walking group from Bardon Mill to Allen Banks. When I got up it was raining and for a few moments I wished I wasn’t going for a walk today, I didn’t really want to be cold and wet. However I gave myself a nudge to get ready because if I hadn’t I would never get out on future walks. As I drove to the meeting point I could see some really black clouds looming but by the time I arrived it had stopped raining, it wasn’t cold and I was so pleased to see everyone again. It was a 6 mile walk, a little bit if drizzle to start with but was a wonderful walk to start the new year, some gentle hills, lovely scenes by the river and even the sun made an appearance in the afternoon. As always we finish the walk off with a visit to a tea room. Today we visited Oddffellows in Haydon Bridge. Looking forward to the next walk in a few weeks time.

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