8 months on!

I was having a good clear out in the sewing room. I started a week ago having a bit of a spring clean in there ready to start new projects. Today I cleared a corner with many bags of mostly knitting/crocheting, which are either abandoned or simply ongoing. At the back of all these was this balloon from my birthday, last May. I'm surprised it still had air! It's amazing what you can find when you're not actually looking! The balloon was a lovely reminder of what was a special weekend when all the family were together after a long break. My Christmas visit was another of those special times with us all together. I'm so lucky to have a loving family.
I also finished clearing this corner as B wanted access to the cupboard in the corner to add some insulation and floorboards.  Once that job is done I can use the room and get myself organised for new ideas. Looking forward to that.

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