Australian fur seals, South Bruny Island

Today's activity was a tour of Bruny Island which has a north and a south joined by a narrow isthmus (see first extra). The north has agriculture while the south is largely wilderness. I believed we were going to have a day of gourmandising on local produce, especially seafood but also beer and chocolate. Instead we headed for the south and did a water based wilderness tour in a covered fast boat, open to the air for maximising passengers' views. The coast is dominated by soaring dolarite columns (second extra), home to many birds and other wildlife including, at sea level, colonies of fur seals. My main shows a close view of two, on the southern coast of the island. 

We also saw black faced cormorants, albatross, gannet and a sooty oyster catcher, to name a few. Then on the way back we encountered a huge pod of common dolphins, leaping and playing, some even making like underwater torpedoes keeping up with the boat. What a treat! 
So while we didn't get the foodies' delight, we had a very good lunch of the local blue eye with chips, and salad. Hit the spot. 

Have a great rest of the weekend Blippers. 

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