Tall Tales

I spent most of the day clearing out a cupboard and then putting everything back tidily which, as always, gave me a great deal of satisfaction. We then went out for a walk later this afternoon, but soon got caught in a downpour so we changed our minds and beetled back as fast as possible.

Given the dearth of photo opportunities in the day thus far, I decided to have a little practice with a new geared tripod head I recently acquired, which was bought to replace a lighter weight ball head and trigger one. I love it, but am still having to get used to the correct way to turn the three different levers to position it correctly. Hopefully the little grey cells will eventually get the hang of it.

These books belong to our eldest son who, like me, has collected a few Folio Books in his time. We are looking after them for him until he has some big enough bookshelves to house them. The Night Thoughts and the Chaucer are huge volumes and only fit here because I removed one of the shelves to allow for their height!

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