The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A distant view of hills

That's the river Severn, and Wales on the other side.

I walked up to the top road to deliver something, then back into town to meet an acquaintance for coffee. She is going to help me run the social activities of the Learners' Circle. Hurrah! I definitely can't do it on my own forever.

Ran some errands around town, went to an exhibition where there was a portrait of my great aunt Kay Petre, as part of a 'racing ladies' series. She was a racing driver. Clearly I'm no blood relative, as I'm not even a driver, but she was big, back in the day at Brooklands.

Popped in to see CleanSteve ar the market then hit the last of the charity shops. Found a puffy body warmer for 5.99. wearing it as I write. Steve says it makes me look like member of the Bomb Squad. He says the nicest things!

Friend came around with some DVDs and was disappointed that I wouldn't take them all. I must work out how to use the Ziffit app so they can be collected and sold, admittedly for not very much. I'm trying to declutter.

When CS came back I helped him.unload the car, then I finally put the Christmas stuff back in the loft, and carried on making space in my study. I'm going to collect a walking machine/strider tomorrow: free gift from an acquaintance. I even sorted out some of the old catalogues, brochures and other rubbish on my desk. My study isn't large, but at least I'll be able to have a stride now and again, even though it should really be in my office, to compensate for my sedentary lifestyle.

We were supposed to be going to a 70th birthday party, but as it was going to be held at a sort of club venue, we both decided that we felt more like staying at home! I can't compete with the music at clubs, and I don't drink a lot. We are old now. Well probably discover on Monday that we missed the best party ever.

It's cold now, even with my bomb-disposal puffa on, so I'll head for bed now. Indie has already gone.

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