
By pipnat51

15/365 Derelict Sunday

Old outhouse or storage shed in a state of dereliction. It was mostly hidden and overgrown before by bushes but they have now been cleared and you can see the building properly now. Changed to black and white in Silver Efex for effect and a border added.

They are next to Wharf Cottages which can just about be seen on the left hand side of the photo, complete with refuse bin. The cottages are so called because they are on the route of the old tramway, horse drawn I believe, which ran from Stratford to Moreton-in-Marsh in Gloucestershire. At the cottages the tramway turned right before heading on to Moreton.

The cottages are still lived in but I'm not sure if it's all just one cottage now or if there are still two.The tramway has been left to nature or taken up in places although there is occasional talk that it could be made into a cycling and walking path, wouldn't that be nice.

It's a few hundred yards up the road from where we live, alongside the A3400.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend so far. x

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