We had a great service at Church this morning, with a good worship time and a great sermon followed by Communion and then coffee and chat.  We had been invited out to have lunch with some “new” church friends, which meant I didn’t have to worry about getting something for us when we got home, so we could chat for longer.

We had a great time with Jenni and Adam and their two children - but I almost lost my resolve when the chocolates came out - but I did decide to have one - well after all, it was Sunday and I don’t think chocolates have any calories on a Sunday!

While Mr. HCB and Adam chatted, Jenni and I went into their lounge and it was then that I saw their guinea pigs and just hoped that they wouldn’t get them out.  Some of you may remember that I am a real wimp when little furry animals are around and although Caramel at the top left and Biscuit underneath looked quite calm, I didn’t fancy having them near me.  I think the children thought I was a little strange, because of course, they love their guinea pigs, but the thought of them around me was quite scary!  

We watched them scurrying around in their home, which L informed me was their “cottage” and then Jenni decided to get Caramel out - I almost ran away, but resisted and told myself not to be such a wimp.  In fact, I did stroke her head - Caramel’s that is, not Jenni’s and fortunately, she didn’t have her out for very long, so I breathed a sigh of relief when she put her back into her little cottage.  

Then L asked if I would like to hear her play something, which I have to admit was far less scary than being near the guinea pigs and we then had a little chat about practising etc.  Whilst chatting to L, I saw that there was a Journalling Bible, so was quite intrigued by that and Jenni said that her grandmother had bought it for her and that she had always wanted one.  We then had a discussion about highlighter pens and she showed me some that don’t bleed through the pages, so I might even treat myself to some of them, because as many of you know, I am a great “underliner” in my books.  

We played a few games and I was beaten well by both children - but it was great fun and L, bless him, as young as he is, told me “It’s not all about winning, it’s about having fun”!  I quite agreed with him, and after playing a memory game realise that my 77 year old brain is no match for a 6 year old’s!

It transpired that the whole family are Arsenal supporters, and Mr. HCB is a Spurs supporter, so we left in plenty of time for us to get home and Mr. HCB is now watching his team, but they are 2-0 down at the moment!  I realise now why L wanted red gloves, which I gave him today - so before we left, he was kitted out in his Arsenal shirt, red joggers and wearing his red gloves - all ready for “the off.”

So a lovely day - when we got to know this lovely family a little better and now I need to go and have some tea before I go back to Church for the first evening service of the year.  Mr. HCB and I feel very blessed to be able to make new friends at our age - and are very grateful to this family for their hospitality - I’m sure there will be a “return match” before too long!

I don’t think I should let Mr. HCB see this quote just at the moment!

“It’s not always about winning,
     sometimes using teaches
          a lot more than winning.”
Kamari aka Lyrikal

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