Quiet and Rainy

I slept in a bit today since I had no where to be. It was nice and cozy on a rainy morning. I did battle with Quickbooks for the botanical garden, only because our bookkeeper has mis-categorized a bunch of entries, and our Oregon payroll taxes are not being automatically filed, like they should be. I'm on the hunt for a new bookkeeper, needless to say.

Couple of nice long calls with my sister and a colleague. Exercises and a quick walk in the blustery, cold rain. Ugh. 

Thanks for all your thoughts about Izzy's kitten. If it's meant to be it will happen. I do know that she's lonely and bored. 

I revisited the red tulips today - they'll be done by tomorrow I think. They got a little wet when I recut them....the drops caught my eye.

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