3 random things

Todays blip tells 3 things:

Thing 1. I have painted a huge wall in my bedroom jet black. I love it. It's been like that a year or so I reckon and it's calming and striking at the same time....much recommended....go on...be brave you'll never look back!

Thing 2: I like to collect old wooden boxes. Even slightly battered ones. I find them very tactile and mysterious. This is a bit of one of the rougher ones. I have run out of space to buy any more.

Thing 3: My Grandma liked this artist. All her stuff is rather 1920s/1930s I reckon. When I used to stay in the tiny box room in my Gran's house I always used to love the 2 prints she had by this artist. They were kind of carefree, relaxing, happy images. I think I asked if I could have this one and was pleased when she gave it to me. It hangs on the wall near to my pillow in it's original frame.

That's it for today!

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