Banana Loaves

Maggie was up at crack of sparrows this morning, so it’s been a long day.
Maggie’s dad got me some shopping yesterday so I made a banana loaf for him, and another for Janice.
I’m in the habit of storing boxes from electronic equipment that I buy, just in case something has to be returned. I store them on the top shelf of my wardrobe, but today was the day they all got flattened and but in the paper bin. There were an awful lot of boxes, so I’ve lots of space now.
Geordie and Amber had a good walk with Suzy this morning, and came back very excited.
This afternoon I had great FaceTime with Bonnie. She chatters away at a rate of knots in her own language, showing me her soft toys and books, and telling me all the sounds that animals make. A total joy.

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